Kinesiology for Kids

Kinesiology for Kids – Nurturing Little Minds🧒✨

Through the power of Kinesiology, I aim to support the unique needs of kids, from infancy through adolescence, promoting their health, well-being, and overall development.

Kids today face a world of stress at school and home, impacting their well-being in ways we might not realize. 🏫💔 Enter Kinesiology – a superhero in the world of holistic health, specially tailored for our little ones! 🦸‍♂️🌈

Infants and Toddlers: (using a surrogate*)

In my practice, I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative effects of Kinesiology on infants and toddlers. By harnessing the principles of muscle testing and gentle techniques, I can identify and address potential issues such as food intolerances, nutritional imbalances, and developmental challenges. By providing early intervention and support, I empower young children to thrive and reach their full potential.

School-Aged Children:

Kinesiology for kids

As children grow older and enter school, Kinesiology for kids becomes a valuable tool for supporting their academic and physical well-being. By balancing emotional traumas, correcting injuries, and enhancing memory and cognitive function, Kinesiology can help children thrive in the classroom and beyond. Additionally, Kinesiology for kids can support them in staying active in sports and other physical activities, promoting overall health and fitness.


As teenagers navigate the complexities of adolescence, Kinesiology for kids serves as a valuable tool for promoting self-awareness, confidence, and resilience. Through targeted interventions, I help teenagers address issues such as exam stress, peer pressure, and self-esteem challenges, fostering a sense of empowerment and balance. By focusing on areas such as emotional wellness, nutritional support, and physical vitality, I empower teenagers to navigate this critical stage of life with confidence and clarity.

Before and After

The impact of injuries and emotional stress on kids’ posture and overall well-being cannot be underestimated. Even at a young age, children may experience discomfort, imbalance, or restricted movement due to these factors. However, with just one session of Kinesiology, children can experience instant results. Unlike adults who may have carried these issues for longer periods, children’s bodies respond more quickly to Kinesiology interventions, often showing immediate improvements in posture, movement, and overall comfort.

At Harmony of Health & Beauty, I address a wide range of issues that can impact children’s health and well-being. From identifying and addressing food intolerances to balancing emotional traumas and correcting physical injuries, Kinesiology for kids offers a comprehensive support for children’s holistic health. By promoting healthy habits, enhancing cognitive function, and supporting physical activity, I help children thrive in all aspects of their lives.

*Surrogate testing within the field of kinesiology is a specialized method employed when assessing individuals, particularly children (0-5years) or those with disabilities, who may encounter difficulties in actively participating in traditional muscle testing. This technique involves using the bodies of relatives or caregivers as surrogates to gather valuable information about the individual being assessed.


Kinesiology for Kids (0-14years) sessions typically last for 45 – 60 min and are priced at £100 per session.


Supporting kids with nutrition is essential for their overall health and well-being.

Visit my Dietary Tips page to discover a curated collection of healthy recipes from amazing YouTube creators.

From nutritious breakfast ideas to satisfying dinner options, there’s something for every palate and dietary preference, including dairy-free, gluten-free, and sugar-free options.

Delight in flavorful meals while nourishing your body with wholesome goodness! Explore further and embark on a culinary journey towards vibrant health! 🍽️🌿