About me

Harmony of Health & Beauty founded by Luiza, is a nurturing space for those seeking to unlock their full wellness potential and embrace their innate natural beauty. Rooted in a passion for holistic healing, my mission is to guide individuals on a transformative journey toward optimal well-being. At the heart of my practice is Kinesiology a powerful modality that addresses the intricate interplay between body, mind, and soul. Through this personalized approach, I decode the body’s language, uncovering imbalances and tailoring holistic solutions. With unwavering dedication, we empower you to release limitations, restore harmony, and radiate true beauty from within. Join me and embark on a path of holistic rejuvenation and self-discovery.

What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is a form of therapy that uses muscle biofeedback to look at imbalances that may be causing disease in the body. It focuses on nurturing the body. Kinesiology recognizes that emotional, mental and nutritional imbalances can impact physical health and vice versa. By addressing those stressors, kinesiology helps to clear blockages, release limiting beliefs, and promote a positive mindset, leading to a more holistic approach to healing.

What makes Kinesiology Unique?

Kinesiology provides sessions in “M.C.P.E.” a distinctive approach within complementary therapies. Employing the powerful technique of kinesiological muscle testing, we delve into mental, emotional, biochemical, physical, and energetic dimensions. My expertise lies in identifying and addressing imbalances through this process. By doing so, the client’s body uncovers the necessary corrections. Kinesiology eliminates healthcare uncertainty, acknowledging individual differences where diverse modalities yield varying results. Restored balance leads to health enhancements and a profound upliftment in well-being.

Through “M.C.P.E.” kinesiological muscle testing, a holistic assessment of the individual’s overall state is achievable, transcending mere symptoms. This is important, as quite often the root of a problem is not where pain/discomfort/symptoms lay. For instance, ‘irritable bowel syndrome’ could stem from emotional factors, dietary sensitivities, inadequate exercise, or a combination. Recurring infections might be rooted in underlying hormonal disparities, insufficient nutrients, or stress. Lower back discomfort could result from improper sleep posture, or intestinal imbalances. Headaches might relate to specific foods, jaw alignment, or neck tension.

Kinesiology can help with a wide range of issues:

• Allergies, hay fever, food sensitivities
• Anxiety, depression, fears and phobias
• Arthritis or joint pain
• Asthma
• Back, neck, shoulders pain
• Candida or thrush
• Constipation, IBS-irritable bowel syndrome
• Chronic fatigue
• Dyslexia, dyspraxia
• Frequent infections/illness
• Insomnia, nightmares
• Low immune system
• Menstrual issues and fertility
• Migraine, headaches
• Skin problems – acne, eczema, psoriasis
• Stress and worry
• Vitamin and mineral deficiency
• Weight loss

How can Kinesiology help you?

Your body reacts when thoughts of past traumatic experiences, fears, or phobias arise. Kinesiology can sever the link between these thoughts and your body’s response, creating a sense of distance from the trauma, fear, or phobia.

What to expect during an appointment?

You will embark on a kinesiology voyage where mind and body converge. Your session begins with a heart-to-heart, unravelling your unique story.

As the session progresses, expect a growing sense of relaxation and ease as both physical and emotional barriers are addressed and cleared. Through precise muscle response testing, we decode your body’s needs and release tension, often accompanied by a deep sigh as energy flows freely.

Muscle testing becomes the translator, revealing hidden narratives.

As the session unfolds, you’ll sense tensions unravelling, like petals unfurling in dawn’s embrace. The symphony of your being harmonizes, whispers of blockages dissipating.

In this sacred space, transformation orchestrates its serenade. You’ll depart, not merely lighter, but aligned and rejuvenated, ready to script new chapters of vitality and balance on your life’s parchment. A symphony of wellness, composed in each gentle touch.

Why choose me?

 Unlock Your Potential: Choose Kinesiology for Holistic Transformation!

At Harmony of Health & Beauty, I believe in a world where wellness transcends the ordinary, where your body and mind synchronize in perfect harmony. My vision is to empower you on a journey of self-discovery, tapping into your innate healing capabilities.

🌿 Holistic Insight: My Kinesiology approach delves into the core of your well-being, embracing physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions. Unveil the hidden layers that conventional treatments might overlook.

🌿 Customized Healing: I treat you as an individual, decoding your unique energy blueprint. My mission is to guide you toward balance, using personalized insights to ignite your body’s natural healing prowess.

🌿 Transformative Experience: Experience a profound shift as barriers dissolve and vitality surges. Kinesiology empowers you to release stress, pain, and emotional burdens, allowing you to radiate your true beauty from within.

Join us at Harmony of Health & Beauty and choose Kinesiology – a path where ancient wisdom merges with modern science, where you become the conductor of your holistic well-being. Elevate your existence, rewrite your health story, and step into a life of vibrancy and harmony. Your journey awaits, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

If you’re looking for a holistic approach to healing your body and soul, consider exploring the world of kinesiology. With its integrative approach, kinesiology can help you restore balance, optimize your health, and enhance your overall well-being. Experience the power of kinesiology and embark on a journey to optimal health and wellness today.

If you have any inquiries or wish to explore further, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Together, we can delve into the depths of your health concerns!

To be a leader in the field of alternative health medicine, specializing in Kinesiology, with a profound impact on global healthcare.

I envision a world where natural healing modalities are widely embraced and integrated into conventional medical practices, leading to enhanced well-being and improved health outcomes for individuals of all backgrounds.

Commitment to continuous innovation and research. I aspire to be a beacon of knowledge and education, empowering clients with evidence-based information and resources to make informed health decisions.

By fostering a nurturing and compassionate community, I aim to inspire positive change, shaping a healthier, more harmonious world where alternative health medicine thrives as a fundamental pillar of healthcare.

To provide compassionate and effective alternative health solutions, with a primary focus on Kinesiology practices, to enhance the well-being and quality of life for our clients.

I am committed to promoting natural healing and empowering individuals to take charge of their health through personalized treatment plans tailored to their unique needs.

Through the principles of holistic care, I aim to address the root causes of health issues, promoting lasting and sustainable results.

With a steadfast dedication to integrity, ethical practices, and continuous improvement, I aim to be a trusted partner in my client’s pursuit of wellness, fostering a healthier and happier community and beyond.

Empathy and Compassion

I approach every individual with empathy and compassion, recognizing that each person’s journey to wellness is unique. I prioritize active listening and genuine care, fostering a supportive environment where clients feel understood and valued.

Personalized Care

I am committed to tailoring our treatments to suit the unique needs of each client. My focus on personalized care ensures that our clients receive the most effective and appropriate remedies to support their healing journey.

Lifelong Learning

 I embrace a culture of continuous learning and professional development, staying abreast of the latest advancements in alternative health medicine.