Arthritis | Dive into Expert Tips for Relief and Mobility

Arthritis | Dive into Expert Tips for Relief and Mobility

Arthritis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the joints, leading to pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility. While conventional treatments focus on managing symptoms, the kinesiology approach delves deeper into the root causes of degenerative joint disease. By exploring the interplay between the MIND, CHEMICALS, PHYSICAL aspects, and ENERGY (MCPE) imbalances, individuals can find relief and restore harmony to their bodies.


1. Mastering the Power of the MIND

Can emotions play a role in the development and progression of arthritis? Of course! Chronic stress, anxiety, and unresolved emotions can trigger the body’s inflammatory response, exacerbating degenerative joint disease symptoms. High-stress levels can also lead to muscle tension, which can further strain the joints.


Beneficial practice to release negative emotions involves mindfulness meditation.

  • Find a quiet space, close your eyes, and focus on your breath.
  • Acknowledge and express any negative emotions related to arthritis.
  • Allow yourself to let go of these emotions with each exhalation, creating space for positive energy and emotional balance.
  • This practice promotes a calmer mind and may help alleviate arthritis symptoms.


2. Balancing the Body CHEMISTRY

The food we consume can impact arthritis. Some foods may promote inflammation, while others can help reduce it. By using muscle testing, practitioners can determine which foods are triggering discomfort and inflammation for everyone.

Inflammatory Foods: Foods high in saturated fats, trans fats, refined sugars, and processed ingredients can promote inflammation in the body, potentially worsening arthritis symptoms.

Dairy Products: Dairy contains a protein called casein, which some individuals may be sensitive to, leading to inflammation and joint discomfort in some cases.

High-Sugar Beverages: Sugary drinks, such as soda and sweetened fruit juices, can increase inflammation and may be linked to the development of degenerative joint disease.

Artificial Food Additives: Preservatives, artificial colors, and flavor enhancers present in processed foods may trigger inflammation and discomfort in individuals with degenerative joint disease.

Nightshade Vegetables: Some people with arthritis may be sensitive to nightshade vegetables like tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, and eggplants, which could aggravate joint pain and inflammation.



3. Unlocking PHYSICAL Potential

Posture plays a critical role in managing arthritis pain. Poor posture can place unnecessary strain on the joints, exacerbating discomfort. By focusing on proper alignment and addressing structural imbalances, individuals can alleviate pressure on affected joints and promote a better quality of life.


Arthritis Relief

Low-impact exercises, such as swimming, yoga, and tai chi, can help improve joint flexibility, strengthen surrounding muscles, and alleviate arthritis pain. These exercises also foster a better connection between mind and body.


4. Harmonizing Your ENERGY

In a holistic approach, the flow of energy through the body is crucial. When energy channels are blocked or imbalanced, it can lead to inflammation and pain in the joints. By restoring the harmonious flow of energy, individuals can experience relief from degenerative joint disease symptoms.

Balancing Energy Centres

An imbalance in the root chakra, associated with stability, may lead to insecurity and worsen degenerative joint disease symptoms. Balancing the root chakra through energy-healing techniques can promote emotional stability and reduce pain.


“Energy Tapping”

Begin by identifying the area of discomfort related to arthritis. Gently tap the affected joint or area while repeating positive affirmations, such as “I release pain and embrace healing energy.”

This tapping practice stimulates the energy flow and promotes a positive mindset, potentially reducing pain and inflammation associated with arthritis.


“Embrace the power of harmony within, and you’ll find the strength to conquer arthritis. Through a holistic approach, your mind, body, and spirit unite, creating a symphony of healing energy. Trust in the wisdom of your body, nourish it with wholesome choices, and dance to the rhythm of positivity. Together, we’ll harmonize your well-being, rewriting the melody of arthritis to a symphony of vibrant health.”



During sleep, the body repairs and regenerates tissues, reducing inflammation and promoting joint health. Incorporating relaxation techniques, such as the ones mentioned above, can also improve sleep quality and overall well-being.



“Dear warrior of well-being, as you navigate the path of healing, remember that your mind is a powerful ally in conquering arthritis. Dive into kinesiology approach, where your thoughts and emotions harmonize with your body’s needs. Release the weight of negativity and let your spirit soar with hope and resilience. Like a symphony conductor, you hold the baton of your destiny. Tune into the melody of positivity, and together, we’ll compose a masterpiece of mental well-being, guiding you towards a life of harmony and freedom from arthritis’s grasp. You possess the strength to rewrite your story, and with every courageous step, you’re one note closer to a symphony of vibrant health and contentment.”


Barbara O’Neill, an Australian health educator, author, and speaker known for her expertise in holistic health and natural healing practices discusses the factors contributing to arthritis and methods to alleviate discomfort in joints affected by arthritis.

In this episode, you will discover the significance of blood circulation and gain insights into practices to enhance blood flow. You will also understand which foods are beneficial and detrimental for managing arthritis, along with strategies to minimize inflammation and disintegrate calcification and scar tissue within the joints.

Book a Kinesiology Session for Support!

Arthritis doesn’t have to be a barrier to a fulfilling life. By adopting a kinesiology approach, individuals can explore the deeper connections between their mind, body, and spirit, and find relief from degenerative joint disease symptoms. Use the power of relaxation techniques, anti-inflammatory superfoods, proper posture, exercise, and energy balancing to reclaim your life and thrive with arthritis.

Remember, every step towards harmony brings you one step closer to living a vibrant and fulfilling life.

Experience personalized care and holistic healing as our skilled kinesiologist addresses the root causes of arthritis. Take the first step towards vibrant health, free from discomfort – schedule your session now!

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