Can You Manage Diabetes? Essential Tips and Lifestyle Changes for Improved Blood Sugar Control

Can You Manage Diabetes? Essential Tips and Lifestyle Changes for Improved Blood Sugar Control

22 July 2023

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterized by high blood glucose levels due to impaired insulin function or production. In a holistic approach, diabetes is viewed as a result of imbalances in the body’s systems and lifestyle factors. Kinesiology examines how MIND, CHEMICAL, PHYSICAL (movement/ exercise and body alignment), and ENERGY (MCPE) influence diabetes management, promoting overall health and well-being. 


1. Mastering the Power of the MIND

Emotions significantly impact diabetes development and management. Chronic stress, anxiety, and depression disrupt hormonal balance and affect glucose regulation. Negative emotions like anger, guilt, and fear contribute to inflammation and unhealthy behaviors. Loneliness and low self-esteem impact overall well-being, influencing lifestyle choices. Kinesiology emphasizes how emotions affect body movement, exercise, and alignment, influencing diabetes outcomes and the need for emotional support in comprehensive care.


To release negative emotions, practice mindfulness techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga. Engaging in regular physical activities like dance or tai chi can release tension. Connecting with nature, spending time with loved ones, and seeking professional counseling or support groups foster emotional well-being.


2. Balancing the Body CHEMISTRY

Food, drinks, medications, and chemicals can contribute to diabetes too.

Processed foods high in sugar, trans fats, and artificial additives can contribute to the chronic condition of insulin dependency. Sugary beverages, excessive alcohol consumption, and certain medications like corticosteroids might also impact blood sugar levels. Environmental factors like exposure to harmful chemicals can play a role. Prioritizing whole, nutrient-dense foods and avoiding harmful substances supports the prevention of the condition.


Turmeric is a recommended superfood in holistic approaches to help prevent the chronic condition of insulin dependency. It contains curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, supporting insulin sensitivity and blood sugar regulation. Incorporate turmeric into meals, use it as a spice, or consume it in the form of supplements after consulting with a healthcare professional.


3. Unlocking PHYSICAL Potential

Poor posture and imbalanced body conditions may impact diabetes. Misalignments can affect nerve communication, potentially influencing insulin production and glucose regulation. Chronic tension in certain muscles and organs might disrupt optimal functioning, contributing to the chronic condition of insulin-dependency risk.



High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) can be beneficial for the chronic condition of insulin dependency management. HIIT involves short bursts of intense exercise followed by brief periods of rest. It helps improve insulin sensitivity, enhances cardiovascular health, and promotes weight loss. Tailor the exercise routine to individual needs and capabilities.


4. Harmonizing Your ENERGY

Blocked energy flow in specific meridians related to the pancreas and digestive system may affect insulin production and glucose metabolism. Disruptions in the solar plexus chakra, associated with self-esteem and willpower, might influence lifestyle choices related to diet and exercise, contributing to diabetes risk.

The connection between body, mind, and soul influences diabetes. Emotional stress and unresolved traumas can create imbalances in the body’s systems, affecting glucose regulation. Negative thought patterns and self-perceptions impact lifestyle choices and adherence to diabetes management. Cultivating a harmonious connection between body, mind, and soul can support diabetes prevention and well-being.



To uplift energy and support the chronic condition of insulin-dependency management, practice grounding exercises like barefoot walking outdoors, and connecting with the Earth’s energy. Engage in tai chi or yoga to balance energy flow and incorporate mindfulness meditation to reduce stress and promote overall well-being. Embrace activities that nourish both body and soul, fostering diabetes resilience.


“Your health journey is an orchestra of body, mind, and soul. Embrace the holistic and kinesiology approach to diabetes care. Tune into your body’s rhythms, dance with balance, and let the harmony of well-being guide you towards a life of vitality and diabetes management.”



Good sleep promotes balanced hormones, supporting insulin sensitivity and blood sugar regulation, benefiting diabetes management holistically. Adequate rest enhances immune function, reducing inflammation and potential diabetes-related complications. Restorative sleep fosters overall well-being, positively impacting blood glucose control.



“In the canvas of life, paint your thoughts with hues of positivity and resilience. Embrace the transformative power of holistic and kinesiology approaches to cultivate mental well-being. As your spirit soars, you’ll find strength to face the chronic condition of insulin-dependancy with courage, knowing you hold the brush to create a vibrant masterpiece of health.”


Barbara O’Neill, is an Australian health educator, author, and speaker known for her expertise in holistic health and natural healing practices.

In this episode, she discusses the factors contributing to the chronic condition of insulin-dependancy explaining the science behind the glycemic index and insulin resistance. Barbara also talks about a supportive diet and what to avoid to balance diabetes and improve your health in general.

Discover Freedom from Diabetes: Book a Kinesiology Session Today!

Empower your journey with the healing touch of kinesiology. Book a session today to discover the interplay of body and emotions. Unlock your body’s innate wisdom, and embrace a holistic path to diabetes management. Step into a future of well-being and vitality!

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